Wildfire damage photos in Talent and Eagle Point, Oregon area

Mary Snowden and Kari Smith, two of the teachers who organized an uplifting art project for local students, check on artwork as it hangs in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
Eric Greene and Carmella Bonanno look through the remnants of Bonanno’s home in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
A chicken walks amongst the remnants of burned homes and cars along a rural highway after a wildfire came through the area near Eagle Point, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
Artwork made by local students is seen in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
Artwork made by local students is seen in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
A message reads “Held Up By Love” on a section of fence in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
The remnants of a burned home are seen in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
The remnants of a burned home are seen in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
A burned street lamp lies on the ground in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
A burned street lamp is seen in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
Carmella Bonanno and Eric Greene look through the remnants of Bonanno’s home in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
A burned car sits in a neighborhood that was severely damaged after a wildfire came through the area in Talent, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
A chicken walks amongst the remnants of a burned home along a rural highway after a wildfire came through the area near Eagle Point, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
Burned homes and cars are seen along a rural highway after a wildfire came through the area near Eagle Point, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder
Burned outbuildings are seen along a rural highway after a wildfire came through the area near Eagle Point, Oregon, U.S. September 19, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder

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