Nice light on a horse’s butt
Backwoods border crossing, British Columbia/Washington
Great day to reconnect with the Duwamish River and continue telling its story
Two different worlds
US Army Specialist Carlton Cumbermack, originally from Guyana, became a US citizen today at a unique naturalization ceremony at Mount Rainier National Park
Just FYI guys #remembertoread
The #carltoncomplex fire left a really sad scene of deceased cows near Malott, WA
Burnt ATV from #carltoncomplex fire near Malott, WA
Mim Morris surveys the remnants of her home with her grandsons near Malott, WA. It was consumed by the #CarltonComplex fire.
Wildland firefighting crew near Methow, WA
Really sad to see this whole neighborhood gone from #carletoncomplex fire. #wawildfires
Sky near Brewster, WA. It’s otherworldly here right now. #WAwildfires #CarletonComplex