Frontline workers for Reuters
Bill Gates for WaitWhat
Chris Chase and John Gregg for The New York Times
Paula Becker, author
Rosetta Horne for The New York Times
Maung Sein at mosque in Yangon, Myanmar
Walter Rodriguez and son Jason, 16. Migrants seeking asylum in Texas.
Freddie Valentin for The New York Times
Ed McClanahan for The Washington Post
Zach Swingle, Pike Place fishmonger, for The New York Times
Angel Garavito, 15, and his grandmother, Zoraida Deida Lopez for The Wall Street Journal
Ed Saylor for The New York Times
Patrick Downs for The New York Times
Judy Ross in Point Roberts, WA
Mark Nelson for High Country News
Nikhil (last name withheld) at a rehabilitation center for digital media addiction for The Washington Post
Natalie Robbins, who was in class next door when a gunman opened fire at Umpqua Community College.
Sunita Mahato, 16. Kathmandu, Nepal.
Smokejumper recruits for Reuters
Ulambadrah, a nomad in rural Mongolia
Boys in Meiktila, Myanmar
Ed Saylor for The New York Times
Quaneque McCarver and Trevor Conley for The New York Times