SPJ Sigma Delta Chi Award

My work, photojournalism, Published work, Still photography



I’m a little late to the party in announcing this, but I was happy to hear today that I was part of a team at The Wall Street Journal that was awarded a Sigma Delta Chi award for online reporting for a story written by Michael M. Phillips about U.S. veterans lobotomized a half-century ago. See the story in its original form online here. I contributed video and photos, some of which led the front pages of both the print and online editions of The Wall Street Journal. Thanks for looking.







Grand Valley Photos | Olympic National Park

My work, Nature, Still photography, Sustainability

I took a few days recently with family to backpack in the Grand Valley area of Olympic National Park and continue my project photographing the Olympic Peninsula with an instant camera. Have a look below at some of the pictures. You can see the rest of the project here. Thanks for looking.