A romantic table setting
Shooting for YMCA Camp Orkila/Colman. Cool people
True sports fans watch the Super Bowl at Ethiopian restaurants
Learning the important world of cat horoscopes
Great turnout. Thanks to all who came to my photo show last night!!
Thanks to all who came to the show
My work, photojournalism, Published work, Seattle, Still photography, ThoughtsWe had a great turn out and had a lot of fun last night at Lucid in Seattle for my photo show. Stay tuned for more shows in the future! Much thanks to everyone who came.
Rap music
This person enjoys having her picture taken
Waiting for Pictures of the Year 2013 presentation by The Seattle Times
At the frame shop
New Duwamish River Photos
My work, Nature, photojournalism, Seattle, Still photography, Sustainability
Please take a look at my long term project telling the story of the revival of the Duwamish River, which has been updated this week with new pictures. Thanks for looking.
Columbia St.